Raida Bus Route Dhaka (রাইদা বাস)
Raida Bus Route and Details (রাইদা বাস রুট)
রাইদা বাসের রুট দেখে নিন: পোস্তগোলা ⇄ ধোলাইরপাড় ⇄ যাত্রাবাড়ী ⇄ সায়েদাবাদ ⇄ মুগদাপাড়া ⇄ বাশাবো ⇄ খিলগাঁও ⇄ মালিবাগ রেলগেট ⇄ রামপুরা বাজার ⇄ রামপুরা সেতু ⇄ মেরুল ⇄ উত্তর বাড্ডা ⇄ নাদ্দা ⇄ বসুন্ধরা ⇄ যমুনা ফিউচার পার্ক ⇄ কুড়িল চৌরাস্তা ⇄ কুড়িল বিশ্ব রোড ⇄ খিলক্ষেত ⇄ বিমানবন্দর ⇄ জসিমুদ্দিন (উত্তরা) ⇄ রাজলক্ষ্মী ⇄ আজমপুর ⇄ হাউজ বিল্ডিং ⇄ দিয়া বাড়ি
Raida bus route (রাইদা বাস সার্ভিস রুট) starts from Postogola (Jatrabari) to Dia Bari (Uttara). Raida is one of the popular sitting service buses in Dhaka. Dhaka local buses have a very little reputation to give quality service. Though Raida Bus Service has earned some respect and reputation among the general people. The public transport system has its rises and falls but Raida Buses has always been at the top to have the public’s attention. The local bus gives service in a very important route in Dhaka City.
Raida Bus Route – Postogola (Jatrabari) to Dia Bari (Uttara)
Postogola ⇄ Dholairpar ⇄ Jatrabari ⇄ Janapath Moor ⇄ Sayedabad ⇄ Mugdapara ⇄ Bashabo ⇄ Khilgaon ⇄ Malibagh Railgate ⇄ Rampura Bazar ⇄ Rampura Bridge ⇄ Merul ⇄ Badda ⇄ Uttar Badda ⇄ Bashtola ⇄ Notun Bazar ⇄ Nadda ⇄ Bashundhara ⇄ Jamuna Future Park ⇄ Kuril Chourasta ⇄ Kuril Bishwa Road ⇄ Khilkhet ⇄ Airport ⇄ Jashimuddin (Uttara) ⇄ Rajlakshmi ⇄ Azampur ⇄ House Building ⇄ Dia Bari
See Full Raida Bus Service Route Map and Guide
Raida Bus Operating Hours
Raida Paribahan local Bus starts their service in the morning at 5:15 am and they stop the bus service at night at 11:30 pm (This operating hours and time can be different depending on the situation and routes)
Raida Bus History and Details
Raida is a great overall transport company in Bangladesh but there are a few details that many people might not know about. Raida Paribahan Started their journey around 2015 and got popular immediately because of their strict sitting service.
Raida Buses are big and has check system. They have checks in their routes to measure how many passengers were there to count the fare. Also this check system takes care of the sitting service function. Even if there are more passengers waiting to get on the bus, if the bus seats are full and passengers are standing then there is no more passenger allowed on the bus. This saves a lot of hassle and push-picking on the local sitting service bus like Raida.
Raida bus fare is higher than average local buses. At first, it was popular because of its service but also had a higher fare and it increased day by day it got more popular and accepted by the public. Many people still have complained about the fare of this Raida Bus Service.
Turag Bus which has a similar route, the fare is very high on Raida bus compared to Turag Bus.
Though Turag Bus doesn’t have the proper check system and is a complete low-class local bus service that does not provide semi-premium or sitting service like Raida.