Keya Paribahan Bus Dhaka to Rajshahi সময়সূচী, কাউন্টার নাম্বার ও ভাড়ার তালিকা (কেয়া পরিবহন – ঢাকা থেকে রাজশাহী )

Keya Paribahan Bus Dhaka to Rajshahi সময়সূচী, কাউন্টার নাম্বার ও ভাড়ার তালিকা (কেয়া পরিবহন – ঢাকা থেকে রাজশাহী )

Counters Contact Number and Address

Here according to different bus services, the contact information and the address of the bus counters are given.

Keya Paribahan

In The table below the necessary information about the Keya Paribahan along with the location of the bus counter is given in the table below.

Destination Dhaka-Rajshahi
First Trip 6.30 am
Last Trip 12. 45 pm
Head office Gabtoli, Dhaka
Contact 01193-255944


Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price

The pricelist of the tickets of the buses available in the route Dhaka to Rajshahi are given in the table below along with the AC and non AC bus types.

Bus Name AC Tickets Price Now AC Tickets Price
Hanif Enterprise 1000 480
Grameen Travels 1000 480
Desh Travels 1000 480
Shyamoli Paribahan 1000 480
Akota poribahan 1000 480
Keya Paribahan 1000 480
National Travels 1000 480
Aqib Paribahan 1000 480

ঢাকা থেকে রাজশাহী সকল বাসের নাম, সময় ও ভাড়ার তালিকা – Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Service & Ticket Price


Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Distance

The distance between Dhaka and Rajshahi is about 245.4 kilometers. It may take 5 to 6 hours for traveling from Dhaka to Rajshahi.


So, after reading this article you will be able to know what to do to travel from Dhaka to rajshahi by bus. If want to know about more information about other transport services then you can check the other articles in our website. There is also the technology related articles that you can read. Thank you for visiting our website. Have a good day.

See also  শ্যামলী পরিবহন উত্তরবঙ্গ জোন এর টিকেট কাউন্টার ও ফোন নম্বর