রাজশাহী থেকে ঢাকা সকল বাসের নাম, সময় ও ভাড়ার তালিকা – Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price
Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Company List
In Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Route, there are lots of bus companies that provide excellent services. AC and non-AC bus services are available on this route between Rajshahi and Dhaka.You can check the Rajshahi to Dhaka bus company list below to find out further details about transport.
Bus Company List |
Desh Travels |
Hanif Enterprise |
National Travels |
Shyamoli Paribahan |
Tuhin Elite |
Grameen Travels |
Akota poribahan |
Keya Paribahan |
Aqib Paribahan |
Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price
The ticket prices depend on the services provided by the bus company. Both AC and non-AC bus services are available on this Rajshahi to Dhaka route. For your information, we provide Rajshahi to Dhaka bus ticket price with details.
Bus Company List | Tcket Price AC Bus | Ticket Price Non Ac Bus |
Desh Travels | 1000 | 480 |
Hanif Enterprise | 1000 | 480 |
National Travels | 1000 | 480 |
Shyamoli Paribahan | 480 | |
Tuhin Elite | 480 | |
Grameen Travels | 1000 | 480 |
Akota poribahan | 480 | |
Keya Paribahan | 480 | |
Aqib Paribahan | 480 |
Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.
Rajshahi to Dhaka Online Bus Tickets
You can book online bus tickets for Rajshahi to Dhaka route on websites such as shohoz.com, busbd.com.bd, paribahan.com and bdtickets.com. You can try near the bus Company counter to collect Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket.
Bus Company Counters Contact Number and Address
We have shared Rajshahi to Dhaka all the Bus Counters Contact Number and Address below, which helps to know the exact bus company counter contact number & Address.
Bus Company Name | Bus Schdule | Bus Counter Address & Number |
Desh Travels | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 12.45 pm |
Rajshahi Counters, Rajshahi City, Phone: 01762-684415. Godagari Counters, Rajshahi City, Phone: 01762-684415. Rajabari Counters, Rajshahi City, Phone: 01762-684416. Hargram Counters, Rajshahi City, Phone: 01762-684419. Laxmipur Counters, Rajshahi, Phone: 01762-684420. City Bypass Counters, Rajshahi, Phone: 01762-684421. Kajala Counters, Rajshahi, Phone: 01762-684422. |
Hanif Enterprise | First Trip: 6.30am Last Trip: 12.00pm |
Rajshahi Counters, 0721-773361 01713-201700 |
National Travels | First Trip: 10.45 am Last Trip: 12.30 am |
Rajshahi Shiroil Counter Phone: 01713-228283 0721-771240 Rajshahi Kajla Counter Phone: 0175-5583955 Rajshahi Katakhali Counter Phone: 0175-5583957 Rajshahi Puthia Counter Phone: 0175-5583960 |
Shyamoli Paribahan | First Trip: 6.00 am Last Trip: 11.00 pm |
Rajshahi Counter, Rajshahi District, Phone: 01919-317323, 01791-963363. |
Tuhin Elite | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.00 pm |
Central Bus Terminal Counter, Rajshahi Phone:01914-995521 Chapai Nawabganj Counter, Rajshahi Phone: 01762-684459Old Terminal, Sakpala Counter, Bogra, Rajshahi Phone: 01741-642241 Natore counter, Rajshahi |
Grameen Travels | First Trip: 8.30 am Last Trip: 12.30 pm |
Rajshahi Counter, Rajshahi District City, Phone: 01701-686920, 01701-686921. |
Akota poribahan | First Trip: 6. 45 am Last Trip: 11.30 pm |
Phone: 01712-890061 |
Keya Paribahan | First Trip: 6.30 am Last Trip: 12. 45 pm |
Rajshahi Contact: 01193-255944 |
Everyday Thousands of people travel to Dhaka from Rajshahi for work. The entire process of traveling to and from one place to another is simpler when you can have all the information you need.Knowing the Rajshahi-to-Dhaka bus schedule will make choosing when to go easier.Tickets can be booked without issue.
We have tried our best to provide all the necessary information and contact information, including phone numbers, bus routes, online bus ticketing, and route information. Hopefully, traveling from Rajshahi to Dhaka will be more enjoyble for you. Please always Keep an eye on our most recent & most updated post for our latest & most updated information about Bus Travel.